Paul's football team lost their playoff game on Saturday.

He was so upset. But the coach had those kids wound way too tight. They were all so scared off making a mistake. I felt bad for those kids but I think their coaches got what they deserved. (If they would of won we would of had to forfeit anyways as not all the kids got their 10 plays. In fact 3 of the kids hadn't even gotten to play until Hubby started yelling at the director about there being less than 2 minutes in the game & having kids that hadn't gotten to play yet.) Then one of the other
parent got made because "we were giving up by just letting anybody play". I mean come on it's an instructional league & all kids are supposed to be guaranteed playing time. If you're that worried about it maybe you should move your kid to a premiere league. Hubby & I have agreed that this spring we're moving the kids do a different organization.
On Sunday we took the kids to the pumpkin farm by my MIL's house. They had a blast! You can see the pics here: onto stitching. I'm flying through Boo Club! Going to keep with it this week & hope I can finish it up by Saturday.

This weekend was the PR sal weekend. I did get some done but not as much as I wanted as I sprained my wrist working out in the yard on the leaves. The worst part is is that 2 days later the yard didn't even look touched.